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One Cympad replacement washer
One Cympad ride cymbal replacement washer
Two pack of double pedal EQ Patches from Evans. Protect your batter head and soften attack
Megnetic head drum tuning key from Evans.
Pro quality floor tom drum bag from Tama
EC2 Evans 10 inch Is a two ply skin with optimised attack, sustain and tone. Coated for low end response.
EC2 Evans 12 inch Is a two ply skin with optimised attack, sustain and tone. Coated for low end response.
With a redesigned foot-board, the Tama HP300 Iron Cobra Junior single bass drum pedal was developed with the same design concepts as the Iron Cobra but at an affordable price. The HP300 Iron Cobra Junior has the same offset Power Glide cam shape, beater angle adjustment and movable hop clamp of the Iron Cobra line.
Tama CSA-35 Cymbal Stacker The Tama CSA-35 Cymbal Stacker is compatible to all Tama Cymbal stands, including Quick Set Tilters. Fits to 6 mm and 8 mm cymbal rods too. Tama CSA-35 Cymbal Stacker: Solid construction Flexible usage High quality
Tama MTH900M Double Tom Holder This double tom holder for mounting on the bass drum consists of an upper section and a lower section. The spacing and height of the toms can be adjusted by sliding the upper section. The Tama MTH900 Double Tom Holder is equipped with a 1" diameter pole and 10.5mm L-rods. Arcade music is not just an internet shop and has...
Tama CB90W is a wooden bass drum beater for the Tama Iron Cobra pedal system
Moongel is made from a soft non-toxic gel, and is packaged in a durable plastic container. Our most popular selling dampening device, the RTOM Moon Gel is a simple and very effective dampening pad.