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It's like a 5A, but with no tips. Great for players who use the butt of their stick.
Promark 5A Stinger hickory drum sticks, like the 5A but with an arrow tip
Genuine Fender corners for amps, with 2 screw holes and lip
Genuine Fender T47 pilot light bulbs
Oval tip. The Metal CM stick offers extra reach and power. For hard hitting metal drummers
A genuine regular tension spring for all Tama bass drum pedals
Fender 70’s Guitar Neck Plate 3 Bolt including bolt and screws
A great all-round Tenor saxophone reed for both traditional and jazz
A great all-round clarinet reed for both traditional and jazz
L-Rod designed to mount the RW105 Rhythm Watch to your kit (not included).
A popular acoustic guitar string set from D'Addario. For warm, bright tones. Gauge 12-53
Tama MUS30B Snare Strainer Butt Plate